Emerging Nuclear States in the 21st Century: Challenges and Global Implications
Emerging Nuclear States in the 21st Century: Challenges and Global Implications
Fatma Cengiz1 and Dilara Özmen2
This paper examines the complex landscape of nuclear proliferation in the 21st century, focusing on emerging nuclear states and their impact on global security. Through an analysis of key proliferation hotspots, notably North Korea and Iran, the study explores the drivers of nuclear ambition, the challenges to the global non-proliferation regime, and the international community’s responses. The research highlights the multifaceted nature of proliferation threats, including technological advancements, shifting regional power dynamics, and the evolving nature of deterrence. By synthesizing recent developments and scholarly perspectives, this paper contributes to the ongoing dialogue on effective strategies for managing nuclear risks and strengthening international non-proliferation efforts.
1Tespam International, Ankara/Türkiye,(fcengiz@tespam.org)
2Tespam International, Ankara/Türkiye(ozmendilara@hbv.edu.tr)
Emerging Nuclear States in the 21st Century