Research Areas for Secure Nuclear
Global Nuclear Trends and Role on Green Transition
Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuc/Rad Accidents
Radiation and Nuclear in our life: Safeguard measures and non-proliferation
Reactor Technologies;Current challenges and future Perspective
Regulatory Policies and International Cooperation
  • As the global demand for energy continues to rise, nuclear energy is gaining greater importance as one of the most sustainable and low-carbon energy sources. However, utilizing this potential energy source requires great responsibility and sensitivity.
  • To protect people and the environment, every nuclear energy-related action must be meticulously planned and executed.
  • The Nuclear and Security Forum is dedicated to promoting nuclear energy security and accountability.
  • Our forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including nuclear energy experts, scientists, country representatives, and environmental advocates.
  • The objective of the forum is to create a platform for the dissemination of knowledge on nuclear issues, the promotion of best practices, and the raising of safety standards.

What are the contents of the Nuclear and Security Forum?

Nuclear and Security Forum Contents:

  • Advancements, New Technologies, and Scholarly Discoveries: The forum showcases the latest advancements and cutting-edge technologies in nuclear power generation, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and innovative solutions for addressing climate change. We provide access to a wealth of resources aimed at enhancing participants’ understanding of nuclear safeguards, sustainable energy solutions, and emerging technologies.
  • Dialogue, Collaboration, and Climate Solutions: We actively promote productive dialogue among diverse stakeholders, encouraging collaboration between the nuclear energy industry, scientific communities, and the public sector. This collaboration is vital for developing safe, innovative, and sustainable nuclear solutions, especially in combating climate change and achieving global energy security.
  • Training, Awarenessand Risk Management: Our organization facilitates specialized training programs focused on the safe use of nuclear energy, addressing both its potential benefits and associated risks. Additionally, we aim to raise public awareness on nuclear safety, climate-friendly technologies like SMRs, and global nuclear safeguard measures.
  • PolicyRegulationsand Environmental Stewardship: We engage in shaping policy discussions that prioritize nuclear safety, environmental preservation, and innovation. By promoting effective regulatory frameworks, we ensure that nuclear energy technologies—particularly SMRs—are safely integrated into the broader energy landscape to mitigate climate change impacts.
  • Up-to-Date Events and Conferences on Nuclear Innovation: We provide comprehensive information on contemporary events, forums, and conferences within the nuclear energy domain. These events serve as platforms to share new insights and explore the evolving role of nuclear technologies, such as SMRs, in addressing energy needs and environmental challenges.
  • The Nuclear and Security Forum functions as a dynamic platform, fostering secure, sustainable, and innovative progress in nuclear energy. We invite you to join our program, expand your knowledge on these pressing issues, contribute your experiences, and become part of a global network driving the future of secure and environmentally sustainable energy solutions.

Let us collectively shape a future powered by secure and climate-resilient nuclear technologies.

Organization Board

Oğuzhan Akyener

Prof. Dr. Serhat Karyeyen

Prof. Dr. Mustafa İlbaş

A. Murat Becerikli

Organization Secretary

Fatma Cengiz

Süleyman Türkeş Dedeci

Furkan Güven

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Uğur Çevik

Prof. Dr. Levent Kenar

Prof. Dr. Hacı Mehmet Şahin

Prof. Dr.  Adem Acır

Prof. Dr. Alaaddin Yüksel

Prof. Dr. Salih Yazıcı

Doç. Dr. Abdullah Altun

Doç. Dr. Selçuk Özgen

Dr. Ahmet Yaylı

Michelangelo Celozzi

Organization Team Members

Oğuzhan Kınay

Yahya Bayrak

Arzum Yiğit

Elif Simay Pekdemir

Umutcan Yıldız

Ömer Okko

Yasemin Şahin

Melike Kara

Alperen Akyener

İdris Aydın

  • Global Nuclear Trends: Innovation and the Role of Nuclear Energy in Climate Solutions
  • Turkiye’s Nuclear Roadmap
  • Regulatory Policies and International Collaboration for a Climate-Resilient Nuclear Future
  • Research and Technological Advancements for Safe and Sustainable Nuclear Power
  • Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear/Radiological Incidents in a Changing Climate
  • Regulatory Policies and International Collaboration for a Climate-Resilient Nuclear Future
  • Technological Innovations and Future Challenges: Adapting to Climate Change

TESPAM’s Nuclear Projection For Türkiye